Whoa, they actually had a picture of this place on Google... |
Inspired by all the Bizarre Foods I've watched lately, I got myself one slice each of French Head Cheese and something called "Blood & Tongue" (actually meant to order Blood Sausage, but the lady misheard me I think...either that, or she decided I just wasn't ready for Blood Sausage yet...). Here they are, pictured with a Czech beer that I also picked up at Schreiner's:
From left to right: Beer, Head Cheese, and Blood & Tongue - all arranged on some tasteful table settings. |
Here's my round-up of the experience:
Sight? Well see for yourself. Kinda horrifying, especially since the picture isn't detailed enough to show the strange little white crescent-shaped...um...things in the head cheese. Looked a bit like gigantic maggots. I've seen worse, though.
Smell? Pretty normal cold meat smell, nothin' too scary there.
Touch? Head cheese was kind slimy, and you could distinctly feel the separation between the parts that were pure fat, those that were meat, and the little bits of vegetables. The B&T feels almost exactly like bologna.
Sound? Generally pretty quiet.
Taste? First, the French Head Cheese: the taste was relatively soft, meaty, with some spice and vegetables...of the meaty parts. Unfortunately, so much of this product was large, slimy, soft hunks of fat, that they really overwhelmed any other taste. Still, I could see how this would taste pretty good, especially if you were to slice it thick and pan fry it up...hmm...idea there...will try it sometime and let you know.
Next, the Blood & Tongue. Surprisingly, this was actually really good. Really no hints at all of the irony, bloody taste I was expecting (then again, I'm thinking the taste of blood from a bit lip or something, which is probably not at all what food-people would call "bloody"); the flavor was much more reminiscent of a beefier-tasting liverwurst or Leberkäse (if you've never had Leberkäse, think liverwurst plus bologna...if you're never had liverwurst, well, I can't help you there). Honestly, this is something that I would definitely order again, and I think it would make quite a delicious sandwich on some good crusty bread with a strong mustard.
I'm hoping that this is a good preparation for some really fun dining while in Europe...we'll see what kind of funky foods I can find and try, and I'll keep you posted. Hope you enjoyed this, please comment with any good ideas for stuff to me to try - I'll be passing through Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, and I'd love some ideas!
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